Saturday, January 8, 2011

Shut up and learn.

It's 2:40 AM on a Saturday, and seeing as I have two exams this afternoon, I saw it fit to update my blog. I've spent some good quality time in the Bogazici University library recently, and I thought I'd offer some anecdotes about what makes it so... unique.
1) It closes at 10 pm. Compare that to the Williams College libraries, which stay open until... 2 AM? 3 AM? Soft core.
2) You have to show your ID every time you enter the library, and usually the ID checker looks like he or she will shoot the next person that walks in the door. Walking into the library is therefore kind of like Russian Roulette.
3) It is a pain in the butt to use the bathroom when you're in the library. When I'm at Williams I like to go to the bathroom as a kind of "study break," but here the bathroom is in the basement, it's always FREEZING cold, and there is never, ever any toilet paper. It's just generally a good idea to carry tissues around with you, wherever you go. After about four months here, I finally learned that. Today I was prepared.
4) Do not speak in the library. Seriously. Don't even walk loudly. And please keep your breathing to yourself.
4) There are signs all over the library offering inspirational quotes on wisdom and learning, just to remind you of the purpose of a library. As if you had forgotten.
5) I like to study near the reserves section, where they have tables with laminated pictures of famous intellectuals. Just a little bit of added inspiration. I like to sit at the Einstein table, especially when I'm working on neuroscience. Usually Dante's table is too crowded, and I would sit at Dostoyevsky's table, but seeing as I've never read anything of his I think it would make me a poser. Not like I've ever read anything of Einstein's, either. But where's the harm in trying to channel a little bit of his brain power during exam period?

Deep in thought with Albert.

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