Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Plan

Next week I don't have classes in celebration of Bayram, which is the Turkish word for holiday. While I don't know much about its background, I know that it is a religious holiday celebrated by Muslims all over the world in which families generally sacrifice a ram or another animal. For you philistines out there like me, here is a link to the Wikipedia page on the holiday. Thank goodness for the internet.

In proper celebration of the holiday, I am planning to do a little bit of sacrificing of my own-- my budget, that is. Tomorrow(!) I am flying to Vienna with my friend Stella, where we will be getting cultured until Monday. Monday afternoon we plan to take a train to Budapest, where we will be for another 4 days before hopping on a train that will eventually bring us back to Istanbul. Passport stamps, here I come! I am planning on bringing my laptop and my camera, so expect to get updates from both places. Does anyone have any suggestions about what Stella and I should see while we're there? Please let me know, because I don't know much about either city!


  1. I loved Austria when I went at age 17, especially the countryside town of Heiligenblut, and Innsbrooke, where I got that blue durndle and my laderhosen (spelling)- remember them? Never went to Vienna though. Have fun and take lots of photos- beautiful country (great place for Christmas shopping!) Travel safely, XXX M

  2. I don't have any travel tips, but fill up that passport!
    I guess since you haven't written about it, it's not a big deal that intrudes on your life, but haven't there been several suicide bombings from the KWP recently? I hope you continue to stay safe and not have to deal with any of that stuff!

  3. Every time we looked around there he was that hairy hound from Budapest. Never leaving us alone, never have I ever known a ruder pest!

  4. that song has been stuck in my head for days.
