Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Hairy Hound from Budapest himself

If you don't know what I'm talking about, please refer to my previous post about Budapest for clarification. And shame on you for not memorizing it, printing it out and sleeping with it under your pillow every night. These blog posts are real works of art.
Credit goes to my sister Charlotte, who found out who the actor was in My Fair Lady that played this infamous character. Knowing his name led to a fabulous google image search which resulted in some real photographic gems. So ladies and gentlemen, I now present you with one of the best characters from one of my favorite movies of all time.

The Hairy Hound from Budapest:

And for your further education, please PLEASE please watch this video.

And this one too. It's worth it.


  1. OOooooozing charm from every pore, he oiled his way around the floor.
    (love it!)

  2. 1. I had this musical stuck in my head all day... 2. WHEN DO YOU COME BACK?!?!?!?
