Sunday, October 3, 2010

Live from Istanbul...

It's Saturday night! And I'm sitting in my room recovering from my first cold of the school year. But don't worry, it's not going to be the main topic of this post. I have better things to talk about! Classes started last Monday, and it's been a great way to meet other students and get more familiar with the campus. Not to mention learn, because that is clearly my top priority. Don't worry, Dad! I have on average two classes per day, and a four day week. No Friday classes = fantastic decision on my part. So here is the low down on what I'm taking:

1) Aegean History and Archaeology
The hard part about this class, besides learning how to spell a-r-c-h-a-e-o-l-o-g-y, is going to be actually trying to conceive of a civilization in Greece that predated the Ancient Greece that I am familiar with. That and the boring textbook readings. But I'm actually looking forward to this one quite a lot, because archaeology is something that Williams doesn't really do.

2) Byzantine Art and Architecture
YES. This is why I came to Istanbul. At least, I think it is. I'm hoping it won't be a let down, because the first class was a little slow. I guess I assumed that my classmates would be familiar enough with Christianity that my professor wouldn't have to explain who the Virgin Mary is. So yeah, I'm a little ahead right now on the whole Christian iconography thing. But hopefully the rest of the class will catch up. And we're going to go on field trips!

3) Neuroscience
Don't laugh. I will be able to handle this course, and I'm going to get credit for it at Williams. I think neuroscience is something I should have at least some background since I am a psychology major. And there aren't labs, so that means no lab practicals. Bonus.

4) Turkish Language for Foreigners
An absolutely essential class. I really want to speak Turkish. Life would be SO much easier. Also, Williams requires that I take it. I've had fun in class so far because everyone is on the same boat and we can laugh about our ignorance. At least I do.

5) TBD
I was previously signed up for Late Ottoman History, but the professor advised me against taking it because I don't know early Ottoman history. I'm hoping to add Theories of Child Development, which sounds interesting and would earn me credit towards my psych major at Williams.

I am very impressed by the professors I have had so far. They have impeccable English, and all seem quite intelligent. I've found it hard to interact with the Turkish students, however. I think it is partially because they are uncomfortable speaking English to me. Perhaps a little shy? Although Bogazici University teaches strictly in English, some of the students I have met don't speak it very well. This surprises me. It must make classes a lot harder for them, not to mention keeping up with all the reading!
As I mentioned, this weekend I've been laying low and recovering from a cold. I did do a little bit of exploring today with my friend Zoe, but I plan to write about that tomorrow. Don't fall off the edge of your seats!

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